Friday, December 17, 2004

Update on the Washington Recount

I said more than a week ago that the Washington governor's race recount was an extraordinary waste of energy -- a waste, that is, if your goal was a more "accurate" election tally. If, however, your goal is to steal the election, the Washington recount is apparently going swimmingly for the Democrats. The American Thinker has an update, as does

The best point is made in the American Thinker piece -- essentially, it is that the only reliable count is always the first count, because that is the only one in which no one knows what the outcome will be. Once people know how many votes they need in order to "win," moral hazard kicks in, and the votes will be miraculously "found."

The only thing standing between us and chaos is the "supreme fiction" (as the great American poet Wallace Stevens would say) of the rule of law. Given the chance, man will sin, because men are sinners. That's what they do. In Washington, we are seeing the temptation of power and the perquisites that go with it acting upon weak human flesh. There are felonies being committed in Washington right now that would constitute the predicate acts for a federal racketeering investigation, if any one chose to go that route. How do I know for sure? Come on. Better question: who doesn't know that this election is being stolen? Even better question: will the mainstream media cover it?


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