Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Rathergate Denoument

Dan who? I don't watch network news and haven't done so for... well, forever. If I watch news shows on TV, it's opinion shows, which at least have the merit of being upfront that everyone has an agenda. I know Chris Matthews is left of center -- the guy worked for Tip O'Neill for crying out loud. I know Joe Scarborough is right of center -- he was a Republican Congressman. You get the picture. What I could never stand was the pretense, indefensible intellectually, that network news (or the NY Times or the Washington Post for that matter) were somehow objective journalists. Brent Bozell's Media Research Center has long since debunked that myth factually with hard data, but any schlump could have figured it out with a cursory understanding of human nature and the human mind. There ain't no such thing as objectivity that somehow permits an observer to stand outside of history and escape his own biases and background and desires. It cain't happen, no, sir, uh-uh. The fact that the talking heads would wink-wink and say that they're "journalists" was always propaganda for the booboisie. The fact that they were all left-liberal elitists only made the intellectual dishonesty of their pretense more galling.

So my reaction to CBS' announcement is.... Dan Rather rides off into the sunset? Hmmmmm.... I thought he'd left ten years ago.


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