Thursday, November 04, 2004

Kerry and Edwards

Had to say for the record: Kerry did himself proud yesterday by conceding. Of course, Kerry didn't have much of a chance to overturn the vote in Ohio, so the facts on the ground may have made his decision for him. But he did the right thing at the right time. Another hard-fought election and peaceful transition of government... the eternal miracle of America!

Meanwhile, I would have ordinarily noted that I didn't much like Edwards' concession speech with its populist rhetoric of various fights "raging on." But we have to give him the benefit of the doubt given his wife's now-revealed cancer... I think he probably just was numb (I would be) and tired and went into campaign mode rather than conceding more gracefully. Anyway, our prayers are with his family.

And with the families of all the candidates for that matter. Presidential campaigns are man-killers, methinks; it's hard to see how any remotely normal person would want to go through it. I hope they all get a lot of sleep. They need it and deserve it.


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