Saturday, March 03, 2007

Hello again!

Well, hello again. Haven't blogged for awhile -- work, family, work, family, work, work, work... you know the drill -- but I'm back.

Here is a picture that belies the Angry Left's vision of Dubya. I know what they will say... this is all a photo-op, this is just a way of making sure that he doesn't get "Katrina-ed" by the Alabama tornados. There is, of course, this sort of cynicisn in politics, but there is also real compassion, real humanity. Wouldn't our political culture be better for everyone if we let our default assumption be the good intentions of others, even our opponents? I believe in the President's good intentions, here, in Iraq, in everything. But, even if I didn't, wouldn't my criticisms of him -- if I were a Man of the Left, which I'm not -- wouldn't they be more substantive if I assumed that he was acting honorably for what he believed to be good ends?
Just a thought.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.

10:51 AM  

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