Monday, July 10, 2006

How Leftists Think

On Little Green Footballs I came across an article that captures better than any I have seen the nature of what passes for "thinking" on the left. It has it all -- America as a criminal enterprise, the Bush administration as Nazis, American soldiers as babykillers, the whole nine yards of leftist rant, all, as is typical, without reference to any evidence. This is not a political argument, it's a theological statement of belief, and a particularly Manichaean one at that, with America, Republicans, Bush and the military holding down the Evil side of the equation.

Meanwhile, Bill Crawford at NR Online summarizes the good news from Iraq.

Facts versus theology. Isn't that how liberals always characterize their arguments against the Right? But it's much more true in reverse.


Blogger Subalternate said...

hahahah such a GROSS misgeneralization that its scary people actually think like you and get thier research from LGF! good work, you are the future of America...or the present...or something

10:16 AM  
Blogger PDB said...

Che Guevera coupled with poor spelling and a complete lack of punctuation... hmmmm, doesn't really create the favorable impression of intellectual depth on the left for which I assume you were aiming, does it? Nice try. Here are your parting gifts.

10:29 AM  
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9:54 PM  

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