Monday, May 15, 2006

Libya -- The Good News That No One Will Notice

Forget about Iraq for just a second. Forget about the dispute over whether Saddam had WMDs, or whether he wanted to restart his WMD program, or whether he could have restarted his WMD program fairly quickly had sanctions been lifted, had the France-USSR goalong-getalong attitude prevailed, had President Bush not led the invasion of Iraq and the toppling of Saddam's regime.

No one disputes that Qaddafi and Libya had a WMD program. No one disputes that Qaddafi and Libya were dangerous. And no one disputes that the reason that Qaddafi and Libya gave up their WMD program in 2003 was in reaction to the American invasion of Iraq. Qaddafi didn't want to be next, plain and simple.

So, now, when Libya has given up its WMDs and has cooperated enough with the US to be in a position that we will restore normal diplomatic relations, shouldn't it be said that this is a remarkable achievement of Bush's foreign policy team? Shouldn't he get some credit for it? Will he?

My prediction... do a Lexis-Nexis search tomorrow and the next day and the next day and then on Friday. By the end of the week, there will be zero news stories about Libya.


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