Thursday, February 16, 2006

Whittington Update

From the latest wire story:

Whittington said the shooting "was just an accident," and he was concerned all the media attention would give hunting in Texas a bad image, the report said.

On Polipundit yesterday, I left the following comment to an entry from Lorie Byrd:

The MSM meme seems to be particularly ill-conceived this time. Don’t any of them realize that the whole story disappears and they look foolish the instant Harry Whittington walks out of the hospital under his own power, looking robust and cheerful, and proclaims to the waiting media gaggle… who now have to cover it since they’ve made it such a big story… what a great guy Dick Cheney is, what a good friend he is, how much he cared about his good buddy Harry Whittington, how many times he called to ask how I was doing, how the whole thing is a tempest in a teapot, how Dick is a stand-up guy for taking the blame but, shucks, it was mostly my fault for walking up behind him without announcing myself, etc., etc., etc. Whittington is going to be solidly on the VP’s side on this and as any half-wit could realize, when the victim sides with the perpetrator against the media, the media loses.

As I surmised, Whittington is going to be way, way over on Cheney's side on this thing, making the media firestorm look silly and the Democrats who are claiming that this represents Bush-Cheney "lying" look like the over-reaching fools they are.


Blogger Bethany said...

Ran across your blog by hitting the next button today, and I sent the link to my husband. Our political views line up very closely with yours, and I, too, am amazed at what lengths the media will go to to make 2+2=5. Anyone who does their thinking for themselves has to see how ridiculous all this conjecture is. Keep up the good writing, we'll be checking back.

12:59 PM  

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