Friday, December 16, 2005

What's Happening Now?

Well, I've been preparing for and trying a ridiculously complex case for the past 2-3 months, so I haven't been blogging or really even following the news much. Anyway, I had a chance to come up for air last night after work, and I sat down at the computer and clicked to to see what was going on in the world. Hmmmmm.... there was a story about the McCain torture amendment, and a story about bad weather in the East, and.... wait a minute, wasn't there supposed to be an election in Iraq yesterday? I thought it was going to happen on 12/15... where is it? Well, CNN wasn't reporting anything about it, so it must not have happened.

The MSM wonders why they are losing market share and credibility. All they have to do is look at's coverage last night. There was a world-historical, earth-shattering, extraordinarily positive event happening that reflects well on America and American idealism... the first truly democratic election in an Arab country ever. And was too busy to notice.


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